Devil's passage, Green vortex and caves Muževa kuća, even as far back as 1962, were declared a special geomorphological reservation with area of about 200 ha. Today the area of the Green vortex is considered as category of protected landscape. It is located in the Municipality of Skrad, at an altitude of 302-649 m. A special attraction of the reserve is the lush forest vegetation which clothed the whole landscape. Green spring (345 m) is a powerful source of water at the bottom of a shallow cave which is located at the foot of seventy meters high, colorful layered rock series which, like a white curtain, crashes stream showering entrance thousands of droplets. Named after the emerald - green water pond whose source in the cave is not eevn noticable. Near the hydroelectric plant there is a nice excursion home and a restaurant that serves local dishes of Gorski Kotar. Among the natural advantages which nature has generously donated to the surroundings of Skrad, Devil's passage holds a special place. It is one of the most beautiful Croatian canyons, full of wild romance. Through a narrow gorge, barely two meters wide, and among rocks hundred meters high flows a wild humming mountain stream named Jasle. Above it, on the carriers cut into solid rock, the galleries and bridges have been made for enjoyment of walking around the steep cliffs, and in depth, under the feet of passengers - roars a foamy stream. The path through the noisy maelstrom ends at the foot of the entrance to the cave Muževa kuća.
Devil's passage, Green vortex and caves Muževa kuća, even as far back as 1962, were declared a special geomorphological reservation with area of about 200 ha. Today the area of the Green vortex is considered as category of protected landscape. It is located in the Municipality of Skrad, at an altitude of 302-649 m. A special attraction of the reserve is the lush forest vegetation which clothed the whole landscape. Green spring (345 m) is a powerful source of water at the bottom of a shallow cave which is located at the foot of seventy meters high, colorful layered rock series which, like a white curtain, crashes stream showering entrance thousands of droplets. Named after the emerald - green water pond whose source in the cave is not eevn noticable. Near the hydroelectric plant there is a nice excursion home and a restaurant that serves local dishes of Gorski Kotar. Among the natural advantages which nature has generously donated to the surroundings of Skrad, Devil's passage holds a special place. It is one of the most beautiful Croatian canyons, full of wild romance. Through a narrow gorge, barely two meters wide, and among rocks hundred meters high flows a wild humming mountain stream named Jasle. Above it, on the carriers cut into solid rock, the galleries and bridges have been made for enjoyment of walking around the steep cliffs, and in depth, under the feet of passengers - roars a foamy stream. The path through the noisy maelstrom ends at the foot of the entrance to the cave Muževa kuća.
To residents of the area, Nature Park Škarline is an inseparable part of local identity and holds an indelible place in the collective mind. Visitors to the area sometimes fail to discover this perfectly preserved nature park located only two kilometres from Brtonigla and named Škarline after the stream that springs in the park. Along its course to Mirna River, several kilometres to the south, the stream has created a luscious, green canyon, one of its kind in Istria.
A two-kilometre macadam track leads from the village of Nova Vas, near Brtonigla, along the edges of vineyards to the nature park. In dry weather, the nature park can be reached by car. To find out how to reach the park directly from Brtonigla, contact the local tourist office. The canyon is not immediately visible from the park entrance. First, you will encounter a tame, spacious landscape with meadows, two small lakes and a bridge. Several benches and a tap for potable water make this picture-perfect area a great spot for a picnic, and fun and games.
To hike through the green canyon and follow the stream to where it flows into Mirna River, cross the bridge and carefully climb down the steep sides leading from the small lake. If uncertain which direction to take, just follow the gurgling sound of the stream. Once inside the canyon, you will enter into a new world with a cascade and a pristine watercourse meandering for several kilometres towards Mirna River through thick, shady woodland. The freshness of the air will catch you by surprise. The villagers of Brtonigla say that Nature Park Škarline is an ideal haven against the summer heat.
Nature Park Škarline excites the imagination. No one looking for adventure or an invigorating hike will be able to resist following the stream’s course to Istria’s largest river. It would be wise to bring food and beverages with you on this journey through the lush and uncharted regions of green Istria.
The main characteristics ofthe nature park mountain,crucialto designate theBiokovo as Nature Parkare itsgeomorphological features, numerouskarst phenomenaandexceptionalbiodiversity:a great wealth offlora and fauna,including manyendemicand tertiaryrelicts.
BiokovoBotanical garden Locatedon the coastal slopesof the mountainslope above the villageKotišina,at an altitude of350-500metersand is part ofthe nature park. The garden was foundedby dr. FraJure Radic(1920-1990), a Franciscan priestand scholar,for the purpose ofscientific research and monitoring,protection and preservationandpopularizationand learning aboutplant lifemountain slope.Biokovo Botanical Gardenis not abotanical gardenin the classical sense,where each plant is brought by certainrules, butis designed as a"walledpart of nature",which will retain thenaturalvegetation formswithits nativeflora.On a relativelysmall area of16.5haarevery diversehabitats such asthe rockery,extractor,arable land andProslap canyonwitha waterfallof the same name, which isdrymost of the year, butgrows significantlyduring heavy rains. On the surfaceBiokovobotanical gardenKotišinawas foundabout 300wild plant species,typical of the Mediterraneanto themountains, and insome areaswere plantedexotics, agriculturaland medicinal herbs.Among theperennialsthatthisgrowthis particularly impressiveIrispseudopallidaTrinajstić- Adriaticirisin the springwhen theentiregardenreplavljenher big, beautifulpurpleflowers.The Dalmatianis endemicin the familyIridaceae.It growson the rocks,gullies andalong the pathsin the gardenisthere are many.
There are several hiking trails throughout thegarden. Near the entranceto the garden,next to thecliffwallsislarge castle- impressive fortress from the17thcentury,
Kopackirit is floodplain area of theDanube,locatedin the northeastCroatianat the confluence ofthe Drava andDanube.It is one ofthe largest alluvialplains in Europe.
Specificmorphological and hydrologicalconditions allowthe development ofnumericaland diverseplant life,which in turnprovidesfavorable living conditions forthe development ofevenmore numerouswildlife species. The indigenous floraand vegetationwithmore than 400so far registeredplant speciesprovidesfavorable living conditionsof the wild life representatives, some of whichshould be emphasizedmore than 400speciesof invertebrates,44 species of fish,11species of amphibians,10 species of reptiles, 291species of birdsand 55species of mammals. Due to the specificMicroreliefvegetationKopacki Ritis very diverse.On the one hand, there are differenttypes of forests andotheraquatic and marshvegetation. Kopackirit is a valuablewetland area,and representsan extraordinary example oftheevolutionof wetlandecosystems andfloodplains.At the same timegives us the opportunityto enjoy theunique nature and,in Europe today,rare ecosystems.
Ombla-the shortestriver in the world Omblais oneof the manyriversthatflowsas a partof Trebisnjicaunderground river thatplungesin Popovo Poljeinthe Dubrovnik hinterland.
Thirty metersfrom the riverOmblathere is a smallwaterfallheight of70cmfollowed byOmblaflows into the Adriaticsea, only 5 kmlongbaynear the town of Dubrovačk and thereforeit is considered that itswatercourse of 30 metersmakes riverOmblatheshortest river worldwide.
Until recently it waserroneouslybelieved that theRoeRiverin the state ofMontanain the United States, andwhose length isfrom 30 to 60meters, dependingon the season, the shortestrivers in the world,and as suchevenlisted in the GuinnessBook of Records.However, sincethe averageamount of water thatflowsat the sourceof the riverOmbla24m³ /sec, itmeets all the criteriatobe declaredOmblariver, andis therefore considered,althoughnot yetofficially confirmed,that theOmblaassumedthe title ofworld'sshortestriver.